Champaign Township Highway Yard is open from 7:00 AM through 3:00 PM Monday through Friday.
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT BURNING OF YARD WASTE ETC IS NOT PERMITTED ON ROADWAYS AND SIDEWALKS. Since many homeowners are near City of Champaign boundaries we encourage homeowners to use our site as a solution to yard waste removal and PLEASE RESPECT YOUR NEIGHBORS AIR SPACE.
New process for yard waste users: If you see a sign sitting out by the gate - please check in with the office and sign the book with name, address of yard waste and date. Thanks. Use restricted to Champaign Township properties only.
Home owners only are allowed to drop off yard waste (effective 1-1-17) This process will allow the township to continue to offer homeowners a no cost alternative to dispose of their yard waste.
New process for yard waste users: If you see a sign sitting out by the gate - please check in with the office and sign the book with name, address of yard waste and date. Thanks. Use restricted to Champaign Township properties only.
Home owners only are allowed to drop off yard waste (effective 1-1-17) This process will allow the township to continue to offer homeowners a no cost alternative to dispose of their yard waste.
No limbs larger than 6 Inch diameter or main tree truck in excess of 6 inches allowed.
Please contact the Highway Dept if you have concerns with road conditions.
Home Owner Associations may contact the Highway Commissioner to discuss Yard Waste Pickups